Star Tribune Covers CTO

Colleen Ronnei - Founder of Change the Outcome

Update (April 24, 2018)

The fundraiser came and went, and it was a fantastic success! You can read more about ongoing efforts at Change the Outcome (CTO) to create an impactful documentary that changes the negative perspective on addiction while bringing truthful yet hopeful messages to those who misuse drugs or struggle with addiction. You can also read on to learn more about what has spurred us to this cause.

Though it’s been postponed until Sunday, April 22nd due to the astonishing winter weather rocking Minnesota this weekend, the Star Tribune wrote a lovely article detailing the motivations behind our documentary fundraiser. This event is supports the heart and soul of our mission. We firmly believe that by educating young people we can Change the Outcome for those struggling with addiction. Unfortunately, the education materials used today to educate middle and high school students on the dangers of addiction are unrelatable.

While the stories told in the FBI’s Chasing the Dragon documentary are powerful, they do not reflect the every day realities of many Minnesota students. We want to change that by creating our own documentary that will really resonate with our kids. We know our method works, and we intend to apply it to our film as well. When we visit area schools, we offer students a unique, honest perspective that they don’t find anywhere else.

What are we fundraising for?

Young people in recovery from the same communities we visit share their stories and provide candid answers to any questions students have. Local law enforcement officers and people who have lost loved ones to the opioid epidemic elucidate the heartache and despair as well as the hope and joy they’ve experienced respectively working with and loving those struggling with addiction.

They aren’t sob stories. They aren’t scare tactics. They’re truths from familiar people who want things to be better for someone else.

As opioid misuse rates continue to climb across the nation, we know that something has to change. Policy changes can be effective and long lasting, but they also take a long time and we cannot afford to wait another minute to act against the opioid crisis. What we’re doing now to fight drug use in our communities isn’t working. You can help us Change the Outcome.

Where does the money go?

All the money from ticket sales, the silent auctions, and donations go directly to the creation of our documentary. After its creation, we’ll be bringing it to middle and high school students all over the state. You can help make that goal a reality by attending the fundraiser, making a donation, or volunteering with our organization. Anything you can offer us helps.

We look forward to seeing you all next weekend instead! If you’d like to join us but haven’t purchased a ticket yet, there are still some available. In either case, we look forward to sharing a lovely evening with you!

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